Ireland Trip 2014
Day 24 – Thursday. the Road to Dingle
We woke up and visited with Dave in his lovely cottage in Tubber, Co. Clare in the Burren. The cottage was once owned by Joe Hawes a man who had been one of the leaders of a mutiny of Irish soldiers in the British army in India in the year 1920.Dave showed off his garden and green house. Then to Ennis for another legendary huge meal by John Culliney. Our plans to be on the road by 1:00 were naturally derailed and at 3:00 we were driving. No problem but it is much nicer driving in the day when it is not raingin. The road from Killarney to Dingle has to be one of the windiest you will ever see. Some of the hairpins had to be done in first gear at 5 kph.
We checked into the Hideaway hostel and got a great private room. Dinner at Murphy’s where I had been once with Georgia. I aske the barman, “the last time I was here there was a dog in the pub.” “Oh” says he, “that’s Taz, He’s gone home. Be back in the morning.” Ah Ireland, where the dogs work shifts. Sat in at the Courthouse Pub with the great Tommy O’Sullivan on guitar and Teresa Horgan on flute and vocals. Her group is The Outside Track.
Day 23 Wednesday – To Clare & Back
The plan was to call into John Culliney for one more visit then up to Harper’s session at Clarke’s in Crusheen. This won’t work as there is a week off school in Ireland the beginning of November and John is minding is soon to be 10 year old grandson, Keelin. We stop at Dunne’s in Ennis and buy all the tea in China, or this case Ireland. Seriously; 720 bags of Lyon’s. 320 bags of Barry’s & 160 bags of Robert’s. We call up to Tubber to Dave & Yuka then 10 or so head to the session with Colm, Davey Rogers and Anne from Killarney. Dave hosts a lovely village session every Wednesday. Loads of good tunes, pints and singing. And a warm fire. There seemed to be many Scottish tunes. Colm sang a Richard Thompson number. Then all back to the cottage at 1:30 for more visiting.
Tourist Day
We go to Killarney to see churches and castles. First we take my perfunctory wrong turn comint into town and end up on Barry’s Lane, possibly the narrowest lane ever. Finally escape through a medieval arch and parck on High Street. Walked around checking out shops, cafes and narrow lanes. We were advised to park at the cathedral and walk throu Killarney National Park to Ross’ Castle. Very beautiful all of it, tho the 2.6 km took a toll on Teresa’s knee. We might of hired the horse and buggy back but we got in on the last castle tour and your man was gone on our return. We decide to drive to Kenmare to see another tourist town. We get there in the dark so miss all the scenary. Have a nice dinner then back to CI for Tony’s Tuesday night. zzzzzzzzzzz
Monday – 3 sessions
One of my traditions at the POK is the onday afternoon with Sliabh Luchra musicians Dennis O’Connor (banjo) and Con Moynihan (fiddle). Played there for 3 hours, then Jackie and I played at the half Barrel then Terrnace collected us to head to Brosna for my last Monday this trip. An altogether great night at Flannagan’s. My rendition of “Long Black Veil” goes down a bomb.
Sunday POK
Wandered into town And Jackie Daly & Matt Cranitch were in Browne’s again. Twas a Mighty Session. At 10 I returned to Browne’s to play with Emma O’Leary, Eilish Mirphy & John Carrol.
Patrick O’Keeffe Festival – Full Tilt
I called into Browne’s at 3;00 to a session with Jackie Daly,Matt Cranitch & Connie O;Connell. You won’t find better Irish Musicians anywhere. Jackie was up to his usual antics; bad puns and musical humour where he accents certain notes with the lefti hand. They were launching their new CD “Rolling On” and it is mighty!
AT 9:00 I was awarded a trophy for my dedication to the Patrick O’Keeffe Festival. I have come 12 rimes. Much appreciated,thank you John Reidy & John Joe Culloty.
The late session was in Kearney’s with Joan Brosnan (box) and Maureen McMahon (piopes).
Missing the Ferry
It;s a sinking feeling you get when you are driving to the dock and you see the ferry 2 metres off the dock. It happened to me once in 1996 in Wales and it happened this morning. We were cutting it close but for some reason Kevin took us to the wrong dock. Doh! When we got to the right one she was gone. That was 8:15 am. Next ferry 4:00 pm so back to the cottage for some sleep then more tunes. As luck had it Kevin & I had each other’s bows in our case so we got that sorted.
A very long drive to Castleisland and we missed the launch on Radio Kerry. I got to Kearney’s by 11:00 pm and the session was flying. Sean Abeyta, who is Kevin’s twin was leading the session so I was able to delvier the books Kevin sent. Faster than FEd-Ex!
Day 18 – Inishbofin
did some sight seeing around the Island. Kevin took us to see the cliffs but somehow we never made it; it was raining and he took the wrong path and jumping puddles did not suit. We walked to town and a brisk rainstorm came on we were SOAKED! It was like jumping in a lake. WE got to the pub and Teresa requested a towel. Yet on the way back it was sunny and windy and now we’re dry. There is a beautiful white sand beach on the east end by Kevin’s. That night Kevin and I played tunes by the fire. AA great day in paradise.
I collect Teresa in Renmore and off through Connemara to catch the ferry in Cleggan to take us to Inishbofin. Teresa noticed a turn off to see The Quiet Man Bridge. Must see that next visit. The ferry crossing was rough but we held it in. Called into the Day’s Inn for a pint to see Adrian Herlihy who was kind enought to drive me the 1 1/4 mile to the East end to see Kevin Abeyta. Lat year I had the stick but the=is year we walked it easily. It’s great to see Kevin and catch up, Teresa is in love with this beautiful Island.