………….Irish Session Every Sunday at 1:00……..

This Sunday 09-02-2025 – Week A

Edmonton’s Best Session! (most welcoming, best variety & you will play nearly every tune)

A typical Sunday (10-03-24) VIDEO” Many’s a Wild Night”

Join us every Sunday at 1:00-4:00

Tan Violin Shop


We will be at Tan Violin Shop
8749-53 avenue Edmonton, AB, Canada
Most Sundays (excluding Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas) Just show up. (email to be on the invite list and to confirm we are on)
1-4 pm
The First Hour will be slower and accommodating.
Our 3 rules are
1) Keep it Irish
2) Instrumental only (no singing)
3) $5.00 entrance fee.
Come have fun!

R.I.P. Eric Tan 61 years old

It is with heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I must announce the passing of our beloved friend Eric Tan. Eric left us yesterday, Sunday January 5th 2025, at 8:00 am. The most likely explanation for the cause of this is bleeding on the brain. This may have been caused by an aneurysm, a fall or a bleeding stroke.
I was at the house when he was in a state of confusion on Saturday which we thought may have been a hyperglycemic event. It was not. 911 was called and the ambulance took him to the Grey Nuns at 2:00 pm. On diagnosis it was determined he was gravely ill and the family was called in. He lasted the night.
Hug someone you love and tell them so.

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