Safe Arrival

Kyle, Siobhan and himself.

I am here and living the life. Direct flight from Vancouver to Dublin. 8 1/2 hours in the air. Spent a long time convincing the customs man that I was not here to work, that I had a return ticket and work to come home too and that I earn no money playing in pubs ( do you include free pints?). 2 lovely sunny days here and it is green! Was at the Crane Bar on Saturday playing with Michael Chan and 200 others. Met Tommy McCarthy,

He played with Arcady at the Edmonton Festival in 1993. He sat in for a couple of tunes.

Sunday I was at the Salthouse for 2 Americana sessions and met up with fellow Canadian Kyle from Saltspring Island and we talked for several hours about hockey and why the Canucks suck! (haha). His friend Siobhan from Dublin patiently indulging us.  A great night all in all. Finished it off with the small curry chip from Vinnie’s (our tradition.)

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