I’m up earlyish and cook my own Irish fry of fried eggs, potatoes, black pudding, toast & coffee. Now it’s time to get all that Irish tea into my luggage. I try my best not to forget anything and bid farewell to Ton and Barney & Lucy (the dogs).
I call in on Jackie and immediately Annie offers me a bowl of her famous soup. Jackie is visibly drawn from his treatments. I tell him stories about my travels and the tunes in town and who I played with him. He asks many questions and I am often able to remember a name for him. That man from Clare who played the fiddle and composed many tunes. “Junior Crehan?” “That’s him!”
I play tunes and chat with him for a good hour and a half. Then It’s time for his nap. Get well Jackie Please!!!!!!
I am finishing my trip in Ennis at the Fafa session with Blackie O’Connell & Siobhan Peoples. The plan is to play till 3:00 am like last week, hit the Chipper then car back to the airport. No Guinness for me. Good-bye Ireland, Hello Canada. (+13 in Kerry today -15 in Edmnonton).
Ennis is home to many wonderful statues – you can even do a statue tour.