Sunday – Galway

My tradition when I stay with Rob & Mary is to attend mass with them on Sunday morning at 10 (set the alarm Jay!). The church is called “St. Oliver Plunkett” and mass is over in 35 minutes flat! Let’s try that in Edmonton.

Dinner is gorgeous lamb and potatoes with all the veg and home made apple tart!

The girls are home from gym with two young friends. Jimmy Higgins shows up to pick up his daughter Blathnaid. “Just played with Christie Moore last night in Sligo”. Seriously! You played with Christie Moore! That’s the big leagues. Christie is the biggest name in Irish music.

“Grab your fiddle” he says as he sits at the piano and I play a set of reels.  He is a bodhran instructor as well at University Limerick.

First session is the Americana session in The Salthouse. V on fiddle Calvin on bass and Mark on guitar. Noriana is away tonight 🙁 Also Roger Green on mandolin from Maryland. He really knows his bluegrass and tells me a story about being in Edmonton once and meeting Alfie Myhres at the shop then called The House of Banjo. Many of my friends show up; Rob with Daniel and then later with Mary and Corrina and Barry.

The late session is Sunday night at the Crane with Greg & Mary.

A great quiet session.

Then to Vinnie’s for Curry Cheese Chip and the walk to Renmore along Lough Athola.

2 comments on “Sunday – Galway

  1. Hi Jay,

    Good to see you’re having a great time with your friends.

    I’m keeping a keen eye on your house for you. And I’ve raked the leaves twice.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip, and we’ll see you when you get home.

    Your friend

    • Thanks a million Don. You’re the best neighbour. Had a flight cancellation yesterday due to heavy fog. Back in E-town tonight. See you soon.

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