On the road again – Ireland 2017

I arrive on Sunday October 8th. But not my luggage. Air Canada thought it was a much better idea tha my bag stay in Calgary – go figure. The bag will be delivered to me in Donegal 41 hours later. What did that cost? It’s ~ 6hours drive from Shannon to Bunbeg. No matter – I have i now. aaaah clean socks!

Sunday night I arrive at the Fuller/Byrne household in Renmore. It’s Sunday dinner and the place, as usual. is buzzing. Michael, Rob’s childhood friend from Prince George, is visiting. Before I can go to a session Rob takes me to a late night Pharmacy (chemist here) to buy some blood glucose testing strips which are in the missing bag.

My first session is at the mighty Teag Coili’s on Shop Street Galway. Players are: Brian McGrath banjo, Mick Coneely fiddle, Murphin (from Denmark) fiddle, Michael guitar.  Fun times and some interesting different tunes like hop jigs and flings. 11;30 comes too soon and the lads pack up and head off.

Thats’ when session 2 starts with myself and John Nolan, a box player from New York City. He is a lovely player and apologizes for knowing mostly the ‘old” tunes. No bother, those are my favourite as well.

One comment on “On the road again – Ireland 2017

  1. Been trying to follow hurricane Ophelia. Are you and your friends safe?

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