Day 7 Friday. Tourist hell day

Our great friends from Edmonton are here: Harry & Jan Kuperis. We meet them for breakfast. Just a happy coincidence that we are here at the same time. We make plans for tomorrow then “hang onto your hat, here we go !”
1. Down to the wharf for the blue & gold cruise through the bay to get close ups of Alcatraz & the Golden Gate Bridge.
2. Happy hour on fisherman’s warf.
3. Rude the cable car
4. Bus across town to catch a Georgia O’Keefe exhibit at the De Young gallery. What a great show and what a great woman. Teresa and I liked the barn paintings best, followed by leaves, followed by jack in the pulpit paintings. There was also a funky clothing design exhibit with live music, drinks etc.
5. Grab a great Greek dinner on the go.
6. Back to The Saloon to see Lonnie on congas and a great blues outfit.
7. Crawl sleepily home after 15 hours on the town.

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