Day 6 San Francisco Thursday 3-Apr-2014

Carmel beach: check, drive back to San Francisco: check, get a ticket in Pacifica for crossing the double line: check, get the car back 30 minutes late: check, go see the Vivian Maier photo exhibit at 49 Geary: check. Vivian Maier died in 2009. She lived most of her life in Chicago, worked as a nanny, and on her days off would stroll the streets capturing scenes interesting for their emotional content, composition, lighting, historical significance etc. All in stunning B&W. A true artist unknown in her lifetime. It wasn’t until a box of her negatives were purchased at a garage sale that she was discovered. We saw 24 of her shots printed in a silver-bromide process and yours for $2400-$3500. Beautiful! Teresa liked it.
Then to the famous Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood; straight uphill. We ate at the magnolia, sharing a table with Diane a college cleric from Cleveland who had many opinions on everything. “Where is Rick Mercer when you need him?” I was thinking. She said numerous things that made me realize Canada is a better country to live in than the States. The number one poignant statement though: “we don’t have any tax money for medicine or schools; it all goes to the military. Welcome to America.” Ouch!
Afterwards we found a jazz bar, the Cafe Deluxe, on Haight. Great little jazz trio playing in there featuring Michael parsons piano. Vinnie rodriguez drums. jazz. Bass Adam Gay.

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