Neil arranged a room for me at Spelman’s B&B (thank you Neil) which was great but a bit strange as it was the first time on the trip I woke up alone without friends near. Anyways had the Irish fry which was fab. It is November Day (the 1st) and there is a horse fair in town. I could hear people at their tables talking about it. “Sure it’s not what it was,” “Very quiet altogether,” You could tell there’d be few when no one set up last night.” I went to check it out and there were a few ponys sure but this fair is “not a patch” on the Castleisland fair. That one in Kerry is the biggest day of the year with the town full of people and main street blocked of with hundreds of animals.This one in Balla had barely a dozen ponies. Still I had a great chat with one of the farmers who had many questions about horses in Canada, the Calgary Stampede, Bull Riding, Bareback riding etc. When I showed him & his nephew the picture of Georgia & me in our cowboy gear there were smiles all around.
Because of the fair Neil scheduled a 2:00 pm session featuring Joe Grady (fiddle) and old friend Dominic Keogh (bodhran & flute) from the group Morga. Great to squeeze a session in as the plan for tonight is visiting friends and no session. Tried to leave early but there was lots of hugging and kissing and see you next yearing.
Made it to the home of dear friends Seamie Talbot & Teresa Nerney for a lovely dinner of Sea Bass then chatting and singing Bob Dylan songs around the piano.