Day 13 – 2 1/2 Sessions

With Angelina Carberry

Paul & Aoife

I am in charge of the farm (yikes!) while Jackie and Annie are at their nephew Philip’s wedding in Dublin. Just over night thank goodness.

The first session of the day was at 5:00 pm in Browne’s (publican Peter Browne) featuring Jackie Daly, Matt Cranitch & Paul de Grae. Also at the table were Donal O’Connor (fiddle), Donal Cullinane (fiddle), Paul (banjo), Aoife (fiddle), Jessica from Chicago (fiddle), Pat (flute), Pat & Crystal from Washington D.C. (box & fiddle), Kathy (fiddle), Fodhla (concertina). It was an altogether mighty session with Matt’s fabulous fiddling and Jackie’s humour and finnesse on the box – he played several airs as well as the Joyous Waltz from Quebec.

Here are the 3 lads in concert in 2011;

Jackie, Matt & Paul.

Dinner was at the chipper (Den Joe’s) with the young crowd some who are friends with Georgia.

The second session was at The Poet’s with Angelina Carberry from Manchester (banjo), Dan Brouder (box) & Eamon Riordan (flute). They are great musicians and they play great tunes – many I was unfamiliar with but I recorded them alright. I didn’t enjoy it fully as we were in Eb – meaning the fiddle has to be retuned up a semitone. My fiddle does not really like this and it is trying to settle for the whole session and never fully in tune 🙁  Chatted with people I knew in the pub then said my good byes and wandered up the town to Kearney’s to catch another hour of music.

The third session was at Kearney’s bar and there was young Michael (pr. Mee Haul) O’Shea on the pipes whom I had played with at the Day Care centre Wednesday last. Also on the box was Mr. Carmody who was playing some mighty reels. The pub had a great buzz and the fun stepped up a notch when Frances Kennedy started singing some of her humourous songs and telling some recitations. Her song about Willie Clancy week in Clare is total class. The premise of the song is she loves trad music but her husband favours Bruce Springsteen. It had the memorable phrase in it’ “Comhaltas interuptus” for the two lovers with different musical tastes.

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