Later on Sunday

I did my flat out festival day today – 12 hours of sessions from 3pm to 3 am. #1 was with very good musicians Jackie Daly, Matt Cranitch, Paul De Grae and Connie O’Connell. The firs three of those had visited Newfoundland this July for the first annual Seamus Creagh festival. I had seen the pics on Facebook but wanted to make sure my fellow Canadians had taken good care of them.

Next 6pm session at the Crown with Donal Cullinane and Mike Roche. John McAulliffe bent my ear about Liz Carroll, Scottish Music, and the proper lattitude and longtitude om my city, Edmonton.

Next 10pm session at Kearney’s with Dennis O’Connor and Con Moynihan. That one was flying. Georgia left with some of the youn musicians for another session then at 1am told me she was at the River Island Hotel where the sessions go all night. I followed her there and met Tim Edey is a fabulous nylon string guitarist from England – hugely influeced by Stephen Cooney. More tunes and stagger home at 3 am.


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