I was sitting in the kitchen at the window at the farm when these 2 cheerful and energetic women appeared and started waving and smiling at me. I never saw the two of them before but i went to the door and it turns out they are daughters of my friend Kathleen Nolan, who died earlier this year at the age of 80. I would talk to Kathleen at pub sessions during the festival. she loved music and was very active and interested in many things. I guess she would mention me to the family “this friendly Canadian man and his daughter”. They didn’t know me but they tracked me down and brought me the funeral card from the mass – so sweet. I was very touched to be included in their thoughts. It was great craic around the table with Annie serving tea and a fresh loaf out of the oven. Teresa and Kate were talking a mile a minute about anything and everything. One anecdote: when someone was in a hurry their father would say “you’re a dirty fright, sit down and relax”. God Bless you Kathleen Nolan RIP.